"Cryptic Vessel"
Irregular dimensions; acrylic & oil on recycled wood. Fused frame consists of salvaged foam & industrial wire, shells, coral, resin, putty, found objects, automotive paint, acrylics, sealant.
Concepts: H.P.L, Brian Lumley, Tina L. Jens
Idh-yaa's 4th child is identified as female, and was long kept a secret by the non-human worshipers of Cthulhu. Apparently dwelling in the Abyss of Yhe somewhere near Ythogtha but heavily guarded, it will fall to her to re-birth Cthulhu should humanity or other beings conceive of a manner to destroy him. Whether Cthylla fully agrees to this plan is unknown; she is apparently expected to copulate with Dagon, lord of the Deep Ones, and the act of birthing her own father may destroy her. While I cannot really place myself in her alien mind, I would be pretty put off by a destiny like that, and probably bust out of Yhe at the earliest opportunity and enslave some humans to take out that fishy good-for-nothing Dagon and refuse to make Cthulhu his own granddad.
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